Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What is your dash for?

I know it has been a long time since I have posted on this and I am not sure if anyone even reads or looks at this but I have really had something on my heart from God and feel the need to find someone/anyone that this can possibly touch as it has touched me. I was listening to a sermon/seminar from a guy named Kent Hovind yesterday. If anyone hasn't heard of him he is a Creation Evangelist. He used to go around and preach about creation and how evolution is a religion and shouldn't be taught in public schools. My husband and I are in the process of starting a creation ministry. Anyways....back to the point! I was listening to this seminar and he said, "All we have in life is a short dash between two dates. What are you doing with your dash?" Basically what is the purpose of our life? Are we living our lives for Jesus or for our own flesh? I was heavily touched by this and started to really reevaluate my life and my decisions. I know I can't change how I have lived these last 20+ years but now is the time to really change and make a difference. I am a stay at home mom but NO LONGER am I going to not share the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my job in life to share the good news and bring people to salvation. I hope this statement helps to light a fire in your lives as well. We are fighting a war....a spiritual war and it is time for us Christians to stand up and FIGHT! Like my amazing sister-in-law wrote....God is fighting for us! He will never fail and it is our time to FIGHT with him! Let's all stand together and help win this war! We can and we will win in the end! Let's keep that bigger picture in our mind that GOD IS COMING BACK FOR US ALL!!!!