Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Crossing Country

This past month has consisted of a lot of fun events which all lead up to the "Crossing" of the country! As a small child I loved playing the game the Oregon Trail but never thought as an adult I would actually get to travel part of it. By now I am sure many are asking questions as to what I mean by this. Well....on March 17,2010 (St. Patrick's Day and no I was not wearing any green) we set out for our adventure of crossing the United States. We went through many states throughout this journey, Florida (where we lived), Alabama, Mississippi, Lousiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, and then finally OREGON! It took us a long four days to make it the distance we needed to travel which totaled to be 2,230 some odd miles. We began our journey at 5:30 am our time on March 17th and arrived at Matt's parents house by 6:00 pm their time, 8:00 pm Central time on March 20th. The days consisted of driving 12-16 hours at a time but nevertheless worth every minute. The first night we stopped in Denton, TX then continued on to drive to Grand Junction, CO! There is a funny story behind this drive as we were trying to out run a snow storm that was due to hit Denver an hour after we were scheduled to pass through so we had to hightail through there. We were going through the Rocky Mountains during nighttime with a trailer hauling my Ranger and not able to see what curves, etc that were up ahead. We used the GPS to navigate our next move through the caynons and so on! It was a very stressful night to say the least. We ended up in Grand Junction, CO after a grueling 16 hour drive. The next morning we decided to sleep in a little bit and drove to Bosie, ID where we stayed with Matt's Aunt Penny and Uncle Richard. We were so happy to finally sleep somewhere other than a hotel and see some friendly faces. The later in the trip the later we were getting up to drive! The last day which was the day we arrived here in Oregon (March 20,2010) was a long but progressive day! I got to see my fair share of snow on the roads starting in Colorado and ending in Oregon. Let's just say a long roadtrip brings out the best in people and it was a great experience I am glad I got to share with my husband! I am also really glad we made it here!

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